Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Five Top Movies (definitely not conclusive)

At this moment in time, my top five movies are:

Casablanca This movie is just so wonderful in its balance of comedy and drama. It is a powerful love story. It’s a so rich in hopefulness. Often I have felt like Rick, hurt and wanting to hide away, trying to be a tough guy but all the time never able to leave behind that instinct to help, especially the lost causes.

Papillon The story of Henri Charrière’s imprisonment and strength while suffering under the French penal system is inspiring. Never will this man let himself be beaten.

The Empire Strikes Back What can one say, this movie is simply dazzling. The action is taught. The romance is powerful and heartbreaking. The gravity of the movie is overwhelming. This story took me in at the age of 8 and has never let go.

Mulholland Drive A truly bizarre experience but filled with so many things to think about. A short list is: What is fear? What synthesis of experience brings us to emotion? How can the absurd and banal carry such menace? Script vs. performance in producing engaging theater.

The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind I have never felt the pangs of love-lost so sharply as I do while watching this movie. It’s such a powerful examination of how people can come into your life and make such a profound mark. It’s an fine example of how unique our human interactions are and how irreproducible they are. Sometimes there is pain we just don’t want to remember, that we don’t believe we can endure, but it’s the experiences we have that make us into the people we are today.

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